I can't offer

anything else but this little study of a flute player I painted with the idea to turn into an acrylic painting down the road.I haven't felt like painting recently because I had a lot of worries on my plate.We had a horrible weather in the Midwest the last two weeks.We had to deal with tornado wornings,severe thunderstorms and rivers overflowing their banks.We were on the edge of flooding again and I had hard time sleeping and eating.As we live by a river and a creek our basement started collecting water and we had to check the pump and the draining system every half an hour to make sure they worked properly.Thank God we have been spared this time and my thoughts and prayers are with the poor people from Iowa who got hit the hardest this season.I have been through this and I know how they feel.
I painted this little piece with watercolors /Prang /on watercolor paper/Strathmore/.
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