Finally I'm back.I haven't been able to post anything for more than three months because my family and I became victims of the flush floods that hit South East Minnesota in August.The small creek that passes through my town turned into a raging wild river in the middle of the night and flooded two thirds of it.We ended having five feet water on our main floor.We tried to evacuate but it was too late to use the car.We tried to walk to the local school but the water was getting deeper and one of the firefighters told us to find a house with a second floor.We went back to our house as we had a second floor.We had to wait for about four hours to be rescued watching the water level rising.The volunteers came with two canoes and a bigger boat.We were all five of us-my husband and I ,my stepdaughter/14/,my stepson/12/and my five-year-old daughter.We had to break a window on the second floor to be able to get out.In such a situation nothing works properly.We had to slide down the porch roof and got into the boats helped by the firefighters.
It was the weirdest ride in my life.It seamed so surrealistic to glide down the main street of our town in a boat avoiding the roofs of the submerged cars,drift wood,plastic yard toys and floating packages of potato chips.It felt so unreal as if watching the news on TV or an action movie.
The most interesting thing was that I did not feel afraid.I had that deep faith in me that every thing would be OK.And it was.Everybody was safe and sound.I mean not only in my family but also all the flood victims in my city.God bless all the volunteers and firefighters who risked their lives to rescue us.God bless all the people who helped my family and my city.
Now we live in a FE MA trailer rebuilding our house and our lives.
The picture I'm posting now is one I took during our long waiting to be rescued.The water level is still less than 3 feet.The picture is kind of dark but you can still see the floating furniture .
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